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Some highlights near

The Dead Sea


Hike through the Judean Wilderness to the springs of Ein Gedi, where it is said that David hid from Saul in a cave. The natural springs flow year-round, providing an oasis amid a barren landscape. This is always a fun adventure and it isn't every day that you can say: "I hiked where King David and his soldiers hiked"!


One of the most significant archaeological finds of the 20th century occurred in the Qumran caves. In 1948, the year Israel achieved statehood, a Bedouin shepherd accidentally discovered pottery containing ancient manuscripts. In the end, almost every book in the Old Testament was found in caves -- scrolls dating back to the time of Jesus. The Dead Sea Scrolls remain one of the most amazing and miraculous discoveries authenticating the biblical record.


As you ascend the desert plateau, the words cry out over the millenea, "Never again!" Here Herod built a mighty fortress to protect his southern border and here the Jews fled as the Romans destroyed their beloved Temple and burned Jerusalem to the ground. The Romans could not tolerate this pocket of rebellion, but it took 18 months to finally penetrate the mighty stronghold. In the silence, they found 900 Jews who choose freedom in death rather than surrender to the slavery of Rome.

Mason Wheeler Communications, Inc.

dba The Israel Tour Company since 1995

PO Box 11368 / Chattanooga, TN / 37401

Licensed reseller of travel in the State of TN / 27-0712388

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