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The Jordan River Valley

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Beit She'an was once a magnificent city of Greco-Roman influence dating to the time of Jesus. It bears all the mark of having been conquered and rebuilt by ancient civilizations since the time of the Egyptians. Walking through public bathhouses, theaters, temples, and incredible colonnaded streets will give you a contextual perspective on the scriptures that is invaluable. Interestingly, it was also here that David came to claim the bodies of King Saul and Jonathan.


The waters of the Jordan River are still flowing as they did thousands of years ago, when John was baptizing and preaching repentance; and when Christ Himself was baptized. Your trip to Israel would not be complete without being in this very same place. The group will have a very special service here where those who would like to be Baptized may do so in the one and only Jordan River that you read about in the Scriptures!

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