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Experience Israel
Pastor Daryl & Evan Reininger
invite you to....
M a y 2 5 - J u n e 5, 2 0 2 4
Group Travel To/From OKC
Making Your Own Flight Arrangements
(Flights from other U.S. Gateways are available!)
Flight Schedule for Reininger Group
BOS=Boston; CDG=Charles deGaulle, Paris, France
Departure to Israel
May 25 OKC to Atlanta 0600AM 0905 AM
May 25 Atlanta to BOS 1005AM 1242 PM
May 25 BOS to Tel Aviv 0430PM 0955 AM [May 26]
Return to States
June 5 Tel Aviv to CDG 0750AM 1150AM
June 5 CDG to Atlanta 0200PM 0525PM
June 5 Atlanta to OKC 1038PM 1156PM
***Flights from other U.S. Gateways are available!***
**Seating upgrades are limited by availability & price***
Contact the ITC Office for more information
Land Only Package
Available for U.S and international travelers
Flight arrival at Ben Gurion International Airport should be no later than 9am on Sunday, May 26 to take advantage of group transportation to hotel on first night.
Tour program concludes at approximately 5pm on Tuesday, June 4.
Flight departure from Ben Gurion International Airport should be no earlier than 7am Wednesday, June 5 to take advantage of group transportation to the airport.
Please allow 3 hours prior to flight departure time to process through security at the airport.
Transportation to/from Ben Gurion International Airport and Netanya/Jerusalem: approximately $100.00 by taxi cab (each way).
Hotel arrangements for pre-tour arrival or extended departure can be made through the ITC Office.
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