Experience Israel
Pastor Daryl & Evan Reininger
invite you to....
M a y 2 5 - J u n e 5, 2 0 2 4
Highlights from the
Caesarea Philippi was once a key city of Greco-Roman culture and trade in Israel. Its location, near the source of the Jordan River, makes for lush gardens, scenic walking trails, and roaring waterfalls. It was here, in the midst of paganism and idolatry that Jesus asked of His disciples "who do men say that I am?". Being here will give you the chance to reflect on those words for yourself.
Now an impressive "tel", some of Israel's most important archaeological projects have been going on in Tel Dan for many years. It is home to the ancient city of Laish, dating back to the time of the Canaanites and Phoenicians. A tablet mentioning "The House of David" was discovered here, the first extra-biblical reference of David ever found; and the high place built by the sons of Dan in Judges 18 can still be seen.